Parallax – Monetizing the Internet Walk-in, Part Two

Right now I’m working on designing parallax websites for Moneymovers, Inc. and some of our clients. I can tell you this: it is not for the faint of heart. But correctly done, a parallax site will give you what you need in a website: longer view time, and more response to your calls to action.

By |2020-03-11T14:34:37-06:00January 23rd, 2020|ACH Review, Gym Management Software|Comments Off on Parallax – Monetizing the Internet Walk-in, Part Two

Does your Firewall really protect your vital information?

Money Movers Inc. is a fully PCI DSS compliant Electronic Funds Transfer Gateway processor. In plain English, that means we move a lot of data over our network.. If we could not protect this information from unfriendly eyes, we would be out of business quickly and completely. So our IT Department works diligently to protect client information. That means that we have to have ironclad, hack-proof firewalls in place.

By |2020-07-14T16:48:41-06:00January 20th, 2020|ACH Review|Comments Off on Does your Firewall really protect your vital information?

Monetizing The Internet Walk-In

In the midst of our conversation we came up with a new term: Internet Walk-In. The term describes the casual Internet surfer that is looking at fitness clubs and their websites and gets drawn into a site that offers an experience rather than flat information. The experience stimulates the user to purchase something – hence “Internet Walk-in.”

By |2020-01-20T16:33:25-07:00January 20th, 2020|ACH Review|Comments Off on Monetizing The Internet Walk-In
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