Keeping In Touch With Your Members During The COVID-19 Crisis


by Patrick Craig

Keeping in Touch With Your Members.

In the middle of this current health crisis that has closed the doors of many, many health clubs and gyms, it is so important to remember that your members are still out there, needing direction and guidance on keeping fit. Now is the perfect time to reach out and contact them, let them know you are thinking about them, and send them some useful tips they can put to use at home, because when this is all over, you want them back in your club. Here are some ideas.

  1. Home workout tips, routines and programs.
    Your members may be at home but most of them still want to find a way to keep fit. After all, that’s why they joined your gym. So dig out those workout tips, daily fitness routines and fitness programs from your files and send them out to your members.
  2. Sharing links to work out videos.
    Either you or your trainers can make simple workout videos that you can post on your Facebook page or Instagram pages. Give your members something to do everyday and they will remember you. There are also some Gym Software programs that have built-in ZOOM functionality that allows your members to purchase classes and join them on-line through ZOOM.
  3. Nutrition plan tips and programs.
    Most clubs are very health conscious, because a great majority of your members join to lose weight and get themselves into good eating and nutrition habits. Most of you gym owners are very health conscious already so put some of your knowledge to work and share it with your members. Keep it coming, something every few days. After all, now is a perfect time to get a complete file of health and fitness programs together. And remember, you can continue to provide this service even after the Corona scare has disappeared.
  4. Supplement program secrets.
    Along with your nutrition plans you can give recommendations for supplements. When you do, remember to tell your members that you are not a trained health professional (unless of course, you are) and that they should do their own homework as far as the supplements that are right for them. A good way to do it is to list a group of supplements and the known health benefits and the areas of the body and immune system that each one impacts. Then let them follow up.
  5. Yoga and Meditation exercises.
    Many of your members practice Yoga and meditation. If you have a background in this, you can send some of the practices that have really helped you their way.
  1. Promoting a live work out session hosted with a trainer via webinar, Instagram or Facebook Live.
    You can do live events on Instagram and Facebook Live, or if you have your own website, create your own webinar. A great way to do this is through ZOOM or similar services.
  2. Updates on re-opening.
    Keep letting your members know that you will be setting an opening date as soon as you feel it is safe to do so and when you do let everyone know ASAP.
  3. Updates on gym sanitation projects.
    One of the ways this crisis has changed things in our country is in the way people will be looking at sanitation and social distancing. When your members come back they want to know that you are on top of the cleanliness and hygiene of your facility. Give them a rundown of all the things you are doing and will continue to do to ensure that your facility is as hygienic as it can possibly be.
  4. Post pandemic offers such as free sessions when they get back to working out in the facility.
    Many of the clubs we work with are offering “Lockdown Specials” where they are giving great deals to encourage new members to join. Another thing you can do is give some heavily discounted training or class offers for your current members. If you have an automatic billing system set up, rather than cancel all your billings, see if your members will accept a pro-rated free extension of their membership instead of a refund on the current billing.
  5. Motivation, encouragement and positivity.
    Most of all, your members need encouragement, motivation and a positive attitude from you. Remember, this is not going to last forever. Except for the amplified hype on COVID-19 in the media, this really is no different than swine flu, SARS, or MERS, all of which came and went and life went on. So keep your outlook positive, remember that the government has set many programs in place to help you through this season, and let your members know that when the coast is clear, you will be the first one back in your club, helping them to keep fit and stay healthy.

Patrick Craig has worked in the Marketing Industry for the past twenty years. He is a published author and has written extensively about the fitness industry, particularly the gym software aspect of it. He has been with Money Movers, Inc. for the last six years where he serves as the Marketing and Operations Manager, web designer and coder, and maintains the custom websites Money Movers, Inc. develops for their Gym Business Manager gym software clients.